Nutrition Tip Of The Week

Nutrition Tip Of The Week

Brooke gives a quick breakdown on ways to stay fueled and motivated through those tough workouts.

ADVENTUREFly the friendly skies of Switzerland with SOFLETE
NUTRITIONPre-Workout Gummy Bears

Pre-Workout Gummy Bears

For a fun pre-workout treat, these SOFLETE pre-workout gummy bears hit the spot. It’s a combination of your pre-workout flavor of choice, jello, gelatin and water. I used sugar free jello for mine...

ADVENTUREAnthony Radetic: Proving the Game Wrong

Anthony Radetic: Proving the Game Wrong

Anthony is a true warrior. He is currently ranked 7th in the US for the sport of Aqua Cross, or racing jet skis on open water through various surface conditions. I didn't even know where to start ...

EXCURSIONSBack Country Elk Hunting With a Bow

Back Country Elk Hunting With a Bow

SOFLETEHQ is proud to sponsor Sean Senske (@bangincans) as one of our athletes. His forays into the great outdoors, in search of meat for his freezer, are pretty amazing. Last week he sent HQ this...

GEARThe Operator's Gym Bag

The Operator's Gym Bag

The better you are without all your "bells and whistles" the better you will be with them.