Forget Diamonds - Why You Want A Month's Salary On Your Wrist

Forget Diamonds - Why You Want A Month's Salary On Your Wrist

While limited in technological functions, the core automatic movements of mechanical watches are built to function in VERY adverse situations. They never run out of batteries because they have non...

BOOTSAn Answer to the Age Old Question: Boot Selection For Real Selection

An Answer to the Age Old Question: Boot Selection For Real Selection

Boot Selection for Real Selection Having been through two selection courses (one successfully, one not) in the past nine months, I’ve seen the full range of dudes freaking out about which boots to...

GEARThe Operator's Gym Bag

The Operator's Gym Bag

The better you are without all your "bells and whistles" the better you will be with them.

GEARThe Die Living Guide to Ski Season Prep

The Die Living Guide to Ski Season Prep

As the leaves turn color and begin to fall, many of us are glued to the online snow reports and avalanche forecasts praying for the deepest white room days of the year. There are also those of us...

GEARWilderness Survival Tips From a Special Forces Medic

Wilderness Survival Tips From a Special Forces Medic

While I may just be a simple country boy who grew up on a dirt road, my training and experiences have afforded me the opportunity to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to survive in an auster...

CAMPINGPacking Out To Live Like Jeremiah Johnson

Packing Out To Live Like Jeremiah Johnson

The most key element to any extended time spent in the wild is a sensible pack out. Seeing as it’ll be carrying everything that’ll help you survive and that you’ll be carrying it every mile of you...