Where Conan Steered Me Wrong
Die Living

Where Conan Steered Me Wrong

“It’s not enough that I succeed. You must also fail.” Thinking like this is a massive waste of time and energy. Don’t succumb to this fool’s errand. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind....

FITNESS4 Pillars To Optimizing Human Potential

4 Pillars To Optimizing Human Potential

In my previous article “If you were running from a tiger...”, we talked about the ways we can create better power output in the human body. If you haven’t read that then go back and read it. Now...

MINDFULNESSChronicles of Failure Vol. 2: Resilience

Chronicles of Failure Vol. 2: Resilience

If something ain’t broke, break it Around 2014, you might say I had a late quarter life crisis. All the good things in my life just tasted like ashes in my mouth. Call it depression, call it disco...