Doug K.
I spent years pushing myself to perform in the SOF community, but I didn’t discover my best performance until I started SOFLETE programming. Now, I’m all around better...

Nolan B.
I started doing SOFLETE programming probably 2015 - I started incorporating rest, recovery and a lot of different practices rather than just banging weights. I'm a lot more durable...

Mike C.
[SOFLETE] is simple and spelled out... it got the fire going. This is a 25-30 year career - you have to have longevity. You can't just look good with your shirt off, you need to be able to endure.
Knowledge Is Power

Simply put, a trade war is a back and forth escalation between countries, imposing a series of tariffs on goods which drive the price of other countries’ imports up.

We all know in addition to being a talented actor, a badass who does all of his own stunts, and a beloved action hero, Tom Cruise might be most well-known for being a devout Scientologist. By man...

Enduring the Intensity of Life!
Endurance and Intensity aren't usually trained simultaneously. I have been spending a lot of time brainstorming how to better program them together as a whole to enhance performance and longevity ...