4 Pillars To Optimizing Human Potential

4 Pillars To Optimizing Human Potential

In my previous article “If you were running from a tiger...”, we talked about the ways we can create better power output in the human body. If you haven’t read that then go back and read it. Now...

MINDFULNESSSelf Awareness: Confronting the Ugly Truth About Our True Self

Self Awareness: Confronting the Ugly Truth About Our True Self

I walked into my first Operational Detachment as a wet behind the ears Special Forces Engineer Sergeant. My graduation from the Qualification course had been timed perfectly to put me out of the ...



I'm sitting in an undisclosed location in the desert. I have a lot of time to think. We get a lot of emails asking what program is best for an individual. Those questions made me realize that a lo...

MINDFULNESSMaking The Impossible Possible

Making The Impossible Possible

At some point in our lives, we look back and begin to question if we are following the path that we had envisioned. Introspection is a normal and necessary part of growth, and the answers it unco...

Die LivingOn Time and Sober: Why You're Failing Your Military Transition

On Time and Sober: Why You're Failing Your Military Transition

Thinking of leaving the military? Already took the exit door and wondering if you had fully thought out your decision? I’m not gonna lie to you and tell you it’s an easy process, but most service...

Die LivingOn Time and Sober, Now What? Ditch The Dog Tags and Brown Undershirts and Chase That Pot of Gold

On Time and Sober, Now What? Ditch The Dog Tags and Brown Undershirts and Chase That Pot of Gold

One thought I had while transitioning was how easy life was going to be with a “normal” job. Just go in around 8 or 9 in the morning, hang out for a few hours, make some low stress decisions, and ...