What Would Papa Say?

What Would Papa Say?

"But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated." - Hemingway The experiences of our generation have left great stories of overcoming incredible odds and great hardship in...

Die LivingWhere Conan Steered Me Wrong

Where Conan Steered Me Wrong

“It’s not enough that I succeed. You must also fail.” Thinking like this is a massive waste of time and energy. Don’t succumb to this fool’s errand. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind....

MINDFULNESSChronicles of Failure Vol. 2: Resilience

Chronicles of Failure Vol. 2: Resilience

If something ain’t broke, break it Around 2014, you might say I had a late quarter life crisis. All the good things in my life just tasted like ashes in my mouth. Call it depression, call it disco...