Spartan Race World Champion Robert Killian: From Best Ranger to Best OCR Racer

Spartan Race World Champion Robert Killian: From Best Ranger to Best OCR Racer

Special Forces are arguably the fittest and most capable people on Earth. So what happens when you’re the fittest of the fit? The most capable of the most capable? I talked to world-class Obstacle...

INTERVIEWArmy Special Forces To NFL: What drives Nate Boyer?

Army Special Forces To NFL: What drives Nate Boyer?

Nate Boyer only has twenty minutes. It’s early, 7:30am in Los Angeles, but Boyer has been working since just after five and they’ll need him in front of the camera soon. For a guy whose office was...

INTERVIEWTanned, Rested,  And Ready: Tyler Giles' Life On the Run

Tanned, Rested, And Ready: Tyler Giles' Life On the Run

Tyler Giles is a friend of mine, a dedicated lifter, an ultra-marathon runner, and an international mergers and acquisitions attorney. We met in law school at Florida State University in Tallahass...