5 Ways to Warm Up More Effectively
Die Living

5 Ways to Warm Up More Effectively

Over the past few decades, the world has evolved to understand the myriad of benefits of an active lifestyle. With each passing year, more and more people look to start some kind of fitness journey...

BOOTSAn Answer to the Age Old Question: Boot Selection For Real Selection

An Answer to the Age Old Question: Boot Selection For Real Selection

Boot Selection for Real Selection Having been through two selection courses (one successfully, one not) in the past nine months, I’ve seen the full range of dudes freaking out about which boots to...

BUILDING MUSCLEGet Your Ass in the Kitchen

Get Your Ass in the Kitchen

Want #gainz bro? Start looking in the pantry. 

AdventureDie Living

Die Living

Imagine You're walking out of your doctor's office. In your mind you keep replaying the part of conversation where you were just told that you have 3 weeks left to live. Stop and ask yourself the...

Chronicles of FailureThe Chronicles of Failure: A Guide to Understanding the Benefit of Setbacks

The Chronicles of Failure: A Guide to Understanding the Benefit of Setbacks

Failure is a perception; we define our own end state. We all will be well served to remember that a single defeat or a series of defeats is not a lost cause.  

Die LivingThe Mindful Way

The Mindful Way

The late, great neuroscientist Victor Frankel once said,  “Between stimulus and the response, there is a space, and in that space is our power and our freedom”. We have the power to focus our a...