An Answer to the Age Old Question: Boot Selection For Real Selection

An Answer to the Age Old Question: Boot Selection For Real Selection

Boot Selection for Real Selection Having been through two selection courses (one successfully, one not) in the past nine months, I’ve seen the full range of dudes freaking out about which boots to...

ADVENTUREAnthony Radetic: Proving the Game Wrong

Anthony Radetic: Proving the Game Wrong

Anthony is a true warrior. He is currently ranked 7th in the US for the sport of Aqua Cross, or racing jet skis on open water through various surface conditions. I didn't even know where to start ...

EXCURSIONSBack Country Elk Hunting With a Bow

Back Country Elk Hunting With a Bow

SOFLETEHQ is proud to sponsor Sean Senske (@bangincans) as one of our athletes. His forays into the great outdoors, in search of meat for his freezer, are pretty amazing. Last week he sent HQ this...


DIE LIVING: The Japanese Alps Pt. 1

A year or so after college, one of my friends moved to Japan to teach English. At the time, I always imagined him navigating the crowded subways and frenetic intersections of Tokyo, but when he re...

AdventureKayaking in the Pacific NW

Kayaking in the Pacific NW

About 5 years ago, my wife and I were moving to the East Coast for work. It was while on I-90 East going through the panhandle of Idaho that we realized how much we were going to miss the Pacifi...

EXCURSIONSA Week in Kazakhstan: Part 2 - Perfect Day

A Week in Kazakhstan: Part 2 - Perfect Day

One truism of traveling I’ve come to recognize is that the more trouble you find yourself in during the journey, the better the tales you’ll invariably have to tell in the end. Conversely, an outi...