Self Awareness: Confronting the Ugly Truth About Our True Self

Self Awareness: Confronting the Ugly Truth About Our True Self

I walked into my first Operational Detachment as a wet behind the ears Special Forces Engineer Sergeant. My graduation from the Qualification course had been timed perfectly to put me out of the ...

Die LivingOn Time and Sober: Why You're Failing Your Military Transition

On Time and Sober: Why You're Failing Your Military Transition

Thinking of leaving the military? Already took the exit door and wondering if you had fully thought out your decision? I’m not gonna lie to you and tell you it’s an easy process, but most service...

Die LivingOn Time and Sober, Now What? Ditch The Dog Tags and Brown Undershirts and Chase That Pot of Gold

On Time and Sober, Now What? Ditch The Dog Tags and Brown Undershirts and Chase That Pot of Gold

One thought I had while transitioning was how easy life was going to be with a “normal” job. Just go in around 8 or 9 in the morning, hang out for a few hours, make some low stress decisions, and ...

MINDSETYou Want To Be A Rockstar? Get Used To Feeling Like A Roadie

You Want To Be A Rockstar? Get Used To Feeling Like A Roadie

Recently, I wrote about resilience as a tool to combat failure. Resilience can be difficult to implement, but that does not imply that it is difficult to comprehend. By the time we are hitting roc...

Die LivingWhy No One Is Tough Enough To Ignore Sleep

Why No One Is Tough Enough To Ignore Sleep

Studies show that the idea we don't need adequate sleep to perform is literally killing Americans as a whole. And in our world, it's robbing athletes of recovery and performance gains, causing ...

FITNESSMeasuring What Matters