SOFLETE - A Visual History

SOFLETE - A Visual History

Not a day passes that we aren't asked about what SOFLETE means, who we are, what we do, and where we came from. Well, here's the answer.

FitnessIf You Were Running From A Tiger, and Couldn't Push Your Friend Down, Would You Live?

If You Were Running From A Tiger, and Couldn't Push Your Friend Down, Would You Live?

The world of fitness is growing. As it grows, we as coaches have to keep up and keep learning if we expect to be able to continue to produce the best human body possible. 90% of us who train other...

BREATHINGAre You Breathing Properly?
FITNESSThe Importance of A Good Aerobic System: Keeping You & Your Teammates Alive Longer

The Importance of A Good Aerobic System: Keeping You & Your Teammates Alive Longer

When we get into talking about conditioning, many coaches and athletes nowadays are in favor of higher intensity training, or anaerobic condition, and are getting away from aerobic conditioning. I...

MINDFULNESSChronicles of Failure Vol. 2: Resilience

Chronicles of Failure Vol. 2: Resilience

If something ain’t broke, break it Around 2014, you might say I had a late quarter life crisis. All the good things in my life just tasted like ashes in my mouth. Call it depression, call it disco...

AdventureDeja Vu...Forever

Deja Vu...Forever

In 2001, Task Force Dagger boldly and courageously invaded Afghanistan, toppling the Taliban in record time by empowering their Afghani allies, eradicating a totalitarian and harsh regime. This vi...