How To Lose The Next War In The Middle East

How To Lose The Next War In The Middle East

In 2007, Michael Scheuer wrote the seminal book, "Through Our Enemie's Eyes." A decade later, thoughtful military leaders with notches on their gun stocks are pretty certain that we are making the ...

MINDFULNESSWhy High Performers Feel Awkward In Mediocre Groups, And What They Can Do About It

Why High Performers Feel Awkward In Mediocre Groups, And What They Can Do About It

“Nothing is more frustrating than an underachiever that has loitered into a position of authority.” -Aaron of @GuerrillaApproach chimes in with his signature style of analysis in this guest blog s...

FITNESS4 Pillars To Optimizing Human Potential

4 Pillars To Optimizing Human Potential

In my previous article “If you were running from a tiger...”, we talked about the ways we can create better power output in the human body. If you haven’t read that then go back and read it. Now...

Die LivingThe Mindful Way

The Mindful Way

The late, great neuroscientist Victor Frankel once said,  “Between stimulus and the response, there is a space, and in that space is our power and our freedom”. We have the power to focus our a...

FITNESSCoaches Who Hire Coaches Aren't Incompetent, They're Superior

Coaches Who Hire Coaches Aren't Incompetent, They're Superior

For some reason a topic that seems to be making the rounds on social media is coaches themselves hiring coaches to coach them on things they could ostensibly coach themselves on. This has been me...

AdventureBASE Jumping Norway Fjords - Chris Carnahan, SOFLETE Athlete

BASE Jumping Norway Fjords - Chris Carnahan, SOFLETE Athlete

SOFLETE Athlete Chris Carnahan travels to Norway for a 4 day Heliboogie BASE Jumping trip in the majestic fjords. Die Living, at it's finest. DIE LIVING