Law Enforcement Fitness For the Long Haul: Rookie Season

Law Enforcement Fitness For the Long Haul: Rookie Season

The police academy got you all skinny, now the streets are going to get you fat. Ever heard of “the Freshman 15” phenomenon in college? It occurs in the police world as well, and for the exact sam...

Die LivingSit Correctly Or Suffer The Consequences

Sit Correctly Or Suffer The Consequences

The average person spends 12 hours per day sitting.  Most people do not notice how often they sit throughout the day because we sit when we sit constantly for short amounts of time that tend to ad...

Die LivingActiviation Work with CVB

Activiation Work with CVB

Working unilateral lifts into your warmups is a great way to activate specific muscle groups more effectively, Chris shows you how to better utilize the half kneeling overhead kettlebell squat in t...

Die LivingStop the Yo-Yo and Start Living

Stop the Yo-Yo and Start Living

Brooke Explains how you can eat what you want and still feel good and maintain that apex predator body by living a healthy life instead of worrying about your day to day meals.  

Die LivingWhat's All The Fuss About Your Gut?

What's All The Fuss About Your Gut?

A Johns Hopkins expert referred to the gut as a second brain hidden within the walls of the digestive system. The gastrointestinal tract is lined with over 100 million nerve cells, and scientists ...

FITNESSTime to Get Off Your Ass - Literally

Time to Get Off Your Ass - Literally

Many studies over recent years have highlighted something that is hopefully quite obvious: lots of sitting is bad for you. Since many Americans have moved into office jobs that require sitting at ...