Dry Fire Planning with Travis Denman
Die Living

Dry Fire Planning with Travis Denman

We are huge advocates of dry fire at SOFLETE. If you didn't know, we have an entire program designed around daily dry fire and weekly range work. A lot of the time we get clients that need a littl...

Die LivingWhy Situational Awareness is the Best "Fashion Statement"

Why Situational Awareness is the Best "Fashion Statement"

As a guy lucky enough to be entrenched a community of fire breathing, meat eating, privation seeking, warfighting, outdoor professionals; I’m in a position where people often look to me for advice...

OP-EDBehind the Badge... Coping With Stress in The High Tempo Workplace

Behind the Badge... Coping With Stress in The High Tempo Workplace

“314 for an unknown injury accident at South 4th Street and Main Avenue South.” “314 copy, en route. 314 I’m arriving, go ahead and start medics I can see airbag deployment.” “Copy, starting medic...

ADVENTUREFormer Ranger Explains How To Travel Europe Like a Hippie

Former Ranger Explains How To Travel Europe Like a Hippie

When I was a senior in high school I was dead set on joining the army and heading to basic training as soon as possible after graduation. My Dad, a retired 1SG who joined during Vietnam to see the...

NUTRITIONCaffeine and Taurine, A Warrior's Fuel and Potential Pitfall

Caffeine and Taurine, A Warrior's Fuel and Potential Pitfall

SOFLETE Nutritionist Brooke West gives the low down on energy drinks. Are they ok for athletes? Watch to find out.

BREATHINGRespiratory Physiology, the Brain, and How to be Better Today Than You Were Yesterday

Respiratory Physiology, the Brain, and How to be Better Today Than You Were Yesterday

Breathlessness Background: Dyspnea & Affect As athletes who push ourselves, we all know what it feels like to be out of breath. Bent over, hands on knees, gasping for air, trying not to choke ...