Heel Pain is a Real Pain
Die Living

Heel Pain is a Real Pain

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common foot problems causing pain on the sole of the foot near the heel.  This condition alone results in approximately two million visits to both foot special...

NUTRITIONFat:  Delicious and Necessary

Fat: Delicious and Necessary

For years we were all told to cut out the fat. Was that good advice? Brooke separates myth from fact in this week's nutrition tip.

MINDFULNESSThe List: How A Warrior Remembers

The List: How A Warrior Remembers

I carry a list. We all do. Some of the names on my list are more prominent for me than others. Some were friends; some I knew in the way you know and like people you work with but couldn’t say the...

FITNESSLow Back Pain isn’t Normal! Here’s How To Fix It

Low Back Pain isn’t Normal! Here’s How To Fix It

We have covered how important the feet and having good toe dexterity is for everyone, especially tactical athletes. In this post I’d like to consider another major part to the human body: Core Sta...

NUTRITIONPan Seared Flat Iron Steak with Cranberry Walnut Wheat Berry Salad

Pan Seared Flat Iron Steak with Cranberry Walnut Wheat Berry Salad

This cranberry walnut wheat berry salad is seasoned with balsamic vinegar, parsley, goat cheese and lemon. Flat iron steak is a more affordable cut of meat. This steak is best cooked medium to med...

OP-ED#Inspoculture: Your Path to Terminal Failure

#Inspoculture: Your Path to Terminal Failure

I almost failed sniper school. En route to the course’s final evaluated test, known as a "stalk lane", I sat in the back of a pickup truck surrounded by friends, but feeling entirely alone. For th...