SOFLETE Warrior Profile: Cody Alford

SOFLETE Warrior Profile: Cody Alford

MSgt Cody Alford has devoted a career to representing the finest attributes of the Marine Corps and, specifically, the Marine Raiders. His battle with the effects of Traumatic Brain Injury is a t...

Die LivingChris VB Helps You Take Care of Your Back

Chris VB Helps You Take Care of Your Back

Chris VB the @garageferrari demonstrates how to more effectively foam roll your T-spine (AKA, that stable middle back that gets neglected so often in our mobility work).  

Die LivingDry Fire Planning with Travis Denman

Dry Fire Planning with Travis Denman

We are huge advocates of dry fire at SOFLETE. If you didn't know, we have an entire program designed around daily dry fire and weekly range work. A lot of the time we get clients that need a littl...

NUTRITIONCaffeine and Taurine, A Warrior's Fuel and Potential Pitfall

Caffeine and Taurine, A Warrior's Fuel and Potential Pitfall

SOFLETE Nutritionist Brooke West gives the low down on energy drinks. Are they ok for athletes? Watch to find out.

Die LivingActiviation Work with CVB

Activiation Work with CVB

Working unilateral lifts into your warmups is a great way to activate specific muscle groups more effectively, Chris shows you how to better utilize the half kneeling overhead kettlebell squat in t...

Die LivingStop the Yo-Yo and Start Living

Stop the Yo-Yo and Start Living

Brooke Explains how you can eat what you want and still feel good and maintain that apex predator body by living a healthy life instead of worrying about your day to day meals.