SOFLETE Jiu-Jitsu Detachment

SOFLETE Jiu-Jitsu Detachment

With the growing popularity of UFC, and consequently Mixed Martial Arts, and the U.S. Military’s focus on ground combatives as a hand to hand fighting solution, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has become on...

Die LivingThe Art of Scaling

The Art of Scaling

Scaling in the Gym I have coached at several gyms across the country, and everywhere you go, scaling is the name of the game. As a coach, one of the most common questions I get asked is "do I do m...

Die LivingChris VB Helps You Take Care of Your Back

Chris VB Helps You Take Care of Your Back

Chris VB the @garageferrari demonstrates how to more effectively foam roll your T-spine (AKA, that stable middle back that gets neglected so often in our mobility work).  

Die LivingSit Correctly Or Suffer The Consequences

Sit Correctly Or Suffer The Consequences

The average person spends 12 hours per day sitting.  Most people do not notice how often they sit throughout the day because we sit when we sit constantly for short amounts of time that tend to ad...

Die LivingActiviation Work with CVB

Activiation Work with CVB

Working unilateral lifts into your warmups is a great way to activate specific muscle groups more effectively, Chris shows you how to better utilize the half kneeling overhead kettlebell squat in t...

Die LivingHeel Pain is a Real Pain

Heel Pain is a Real Pain

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common foot problems causing pain on the sole of the foot near the heel.  This condition alone results in approximately two million visits to both foot special...