5 Ways to Warm Up More Effectively
Die Living

5 Ways to Warm Up More Effectively

Over the past few decades, the world has evolved to understand the myriad of benefits of an active lifestyle. With each passing year, more and more people look to start some kind of fitness journey...

Chronicles of FailureConcussions: Prevention, Treatment, and How To Keep Living The SOFLETE Lifestyle

Concussions: Prevention, Treatment, and How To Keep Living The SOFLETE Lifestyle

The SOFLETE life is real.  We live it daily and are constantly pushing the limits of our own capabilities.  That standard of performance is accompanied by risk, we we gladly embrace, because the ...

Die LivingThe Long Game

The Long Game

The mission of the Ranger Regiment changed dramatically during my time there. Each change was accompanied by different tactical and physical requirements. Despite these changes, the basic physica...

FITNESSCoaches Who Hire Coaches Aren't Incompetent, They're Superior

Coaches Who Hire Coaches Aren't Incompetent, They're Superior

For some reason a topic that seems to be making the rounds on social media is coaches themselves hiring coaches to coach them on things they could ostensibly coach themselves on. This has been me...

FitnessIf You Were Running From A Tiger, and Couldn't Push Your Friend Down, Would You Live?

If You Were Running From A Tiger, and Couldn't Push Your Friend Down, Would You Live?

The world of fitness is growing. As it grows, we as coaches have to keep up and keep learning if we expect to be able to continue to produce the best human body possible. 90% of us who train other...

FITNESSMovement and How it Can be Applied to Everyday Life

Movement and How it Can be Applied to Everyday Life

“Basically life is improvisation, you are born, you die and in between you are improvise. Movement is no different.” -Ido Portal