Sleep is not a crutch.

Sleep is not a crutch.

The impact of the plane touching down jarred me awake from my sleep. “Great,” I thought as I looked out the window into the darkness. I was on the other side of the world, again, and had slept thro...

FitnessAnabolic Window or Anabolic Barn Door?

Anabolic Window or Anabolic Barn Door?

You don’t have to dig too deep into the internet before you will come across researchers and bro science experts alike referencing a supposed sweet spot called the “anabolic window”.

Die Living5 Ways to Warm Up More Effectively

5 Ways to Warm Up More Effectively

Over the past few decades, the world has evolved to understand the myriad of benefits of an active lifestyle. With each passing year, more and more people look to start some kind of fitness journey...

FitnessWhy Your Detox Is Bullshit

Why Your Detox Is Bullshit

Cleanses and detoxes seem to have taken hold as a trend in the diet industry. A cleanse or detox diet usually restricts specific types of foods or entire food groups. Sometimes food itself is even...

Die LivingUp Before The Enemy, But Dead Before Your Time

Up Before The Enemy, But Dead Before Your Time

Lack of adequate rest is literally killing us... Geoff Dardia talks with Doug about the consequences of poor sleep and ways to improve your life by taking off some of the pressure. #dieliving

Die LivingLow Back Pain isn’t Normal! Here’s How To Fix It.

Low Back Pain isn’t Normal! Here’s How To Fix It.

A large percentage of humans have lower back pain due to a number of different reasons. Most look to get the back fixed or stretch out the hip flexors to help loosen up the lower back and relieve...