Failing to Prepare is Preparing to Fail: Life Advice From A Guy Who Knows
A discussion in the SOFLETE Team Room got me thinking about all the stupid things I’ve done that could have shortened my stay on this earth. Sometimes those things were necessary or at least unavoi...

Mountain Operations: Living Off Nature's Bounty
When heading out into nature for any extended period, nutrition is the most important element of preparation. We can belabor over what type of weapon to bring if we’re hunting, what kind of gear to...

Mountain Operations: Packing Out To Live Like Jeremiah Johnson
The most key element to any extended time spent in the wild is a sensible pack out. Seeing as it’ll be carrying everything that’ll help you survive and that you’ll be carrying it every mile of you...

DIELIVING Urban Style: Rocky Butte in Portland, OR
You don’t always need to head to the middle of nowhere to get your climbing fix in. In fact, plenty of cities are beginning to feature some of their natural crags and ledges for climbers to enjoy...

Mountain Operations: SOFLETE Athletes Top 5 Destinations for 2018
Whether whitewater rafting, jumping out of a perfectly good airplane (or off of a perfectly good bridge), climbing up mountain faces or simply spending a solitary week in the rough, people like...

Former Ranger Explains How To Travel Europe Like a Hippie
When I was a senior in high school I was dead set on joining the army and heading to basic training as soon as possible after graduation. My Dad, a retired 1SG who joined during Vietnam to see the...