Psoas March to Help With Lower Back Pain and Hip Flexor Engagement

Psoas March to Help With Lower Back Pain and Hip Flexor Engagement

Coach Chris walks you through a crucial movement to help relieve "tight" hip flexors and build a more stable core. This movement is going to help with your form on almost all your big lifts. Work...

AdventureA Week in Kazakhstan: Part 1 - Full of Apples

A Week in Kazakhstan: Part 1 - Full of Apples

Touching down in Almaty International Airport late on a cool, autumn evening, the first thing that struck me was the impossibly wide, round hats of the airport security guards. The second thing t...

Life SecretsChoosing Your Protein: Why You Don't Need a Steak That Big

Choosing Your Protein: Why You Don't Need a Steak That Big

No one wants to be the one to say it, but here’s the truth: You don’t need to eat a steak that big. Everyone loves the idea of a 24 oz porterhouse steak, but the reality is that that shouldn’t be...

NutritionNutrition tip of the week with Brooke

Nutrition tip of the week with Brooke

Most people know that the sugar in soda is terrible for you, but what about supposedly "healthy" drinks I like juice? Brooke breaks down what to drink when you are feeling parched.


Zach's Alaska

Much like fingerprints, adventures are unique and one of a kind.   They are experiences that are enjoyed, interpreted and remembered differently from one person to the next.  We take our own prev...

FITNESSSled Sprint Training

Sled Sprint Training

There are few worthwhile sports that do not involve some form of sprinting.  Our bodies were made to run and sprinting is a VERY effective form of exercise to challenge your body’s aerobic and an...