The New Year Is Upon Us... Will You Live Yours To The Fullest?

The New Year Is Upon Us... Will You Live Yours To The Fullest?

SOFLETE Athlete Zach attacks the air at one of the most beautiful base jumping locations in the entire world, Navagio "Shipwreck" beach. Be jealous. Don't let the world pass you by without living...

FITNESSShoulder Mobility for Dummies

Shoulder Mobility for Dummies

SOFLETE Athlete, Dara Ching isn't just a lifting badass, she's also poised to graduate PT school this year, and brings a lot of useful human performance knowledge to the table. We thought the cre...

MINDFULNESSMaking The Impossible Possible

Making The Impossible Possible

At some point in our lives, we look back and begin to question if we are following the path that we had envisioned. Introspection is a normal and necessary part of growth, and the answers it unco...

MOTIVATIONSetting Your Nutritional Goals

Setting Your Nutritional Goals

As the resident SOFLETE Dietitian, the number one question I hear from our customers is: “Is the SOFLETE Nutrition Program right for me?” The answer of course is a resounding YES! The program is d...

OP-EDIntro to Long Range Marksmanship

Intro to Long Range Marksmanship

The first time I shot in a precision rifle match, I dialed in 1000 yards of elevation and 14 mph of wind in the wrong direction. It took almost a whole box of ammunition before someone noticed th...

MINDFULNESSFortitude - Forged Through Fire

Fortitude - Forged Through Fire

What separates the Elite from the Amateur? Is it their training regime? Recovery protocol? Nutrition?  Genetics, perhaps? What makes the best of the best? What makes them better than you? Every e...