Why Rumspringa Isn't The Only Reason To Visit Rural PA

Why Rumspringa Isn't The Only Reason To Visit Rural PA

Rock climbing is an inherently dangerous activity, no member of the community will attempt to change your mind about that.  But what’s life without risk? The fun of adrenaline “on rails” is dwarf...

Die LivingOn Time and Sober: Why You're Failing Your Military Transition

On Time and Sober: Why You're Failing Your Military Transition

Thinking of leaving the military? Already took the exit door and wondering if you had fully thought out your decision? I’m not gonna lie to you and tell you it’s an easy process, but most service...

A Year in the Last Frontier
FitnessAnabolic Window or Anabolic Barn Door?

Anabolic Window or Anabolic Barn Door?

You don’t have to dig too deep into the internet before you will come across researchers and bro science experts alike referencing a supposed sweet spot called the “anabolic window”.

Pressing the Easy Button

Pressing the Easy Button

The only constants of physical health are that people need to be consistent in their efforts, they need to put in the work and sometimes they might even need to push a little bit.

Your Sh***y Posture is KILLING your Shoulders