Concussions: Prevention, Treatment, and How To Keep Living The SOFLETE Lifestyle
Chronicles of Failure

Concussions: Prevention, Treatment, and How To Keep Living The SOFLETE Lifestyle

The SOFLETE life is real.  We live it daily and are constantly pushing the limits of our own capabilities.  That standard of performance is accompanied by risk, we we gladly embrace, because the ...

Die LivingThe Long Game

The Long Game

The mission of the Ranger Regiment changed dramatically during my time there. Each change was accompanied by different tactical and physical requirements. Despite these changes, the basic physica...

BOOTSAn Answer to the Age Old Question: Boot Selection For Real Selection

An Answer to the Age Old Question: Boot Selection For Real Selection

Boot Selection for Real Selection Having been through two selection courses (one successfully, one not) in the past nine months, I’ve seen the full range of dudes freaking out about which boots to...

BUILDING MUSCLEGet Your Ass in the Kitchen

Get Your Ass in the Kitchen

Want #gainz bro? Start looking in the pantry. 

AdventureDie Living

Die Living

Imagine You're walking out of your doctor's office. In your mind you keep replaying the part of conversation where you were just told that you have 3 weeks left to live. Stop and ask yourself the...

OP-EDRanger Review of War Machine

Ranger Review of War Machine

Our friends over at Combat Flip Flops hit the keyboard to give you the Ranger Review of the Netflix original movie, War Machine. (All photos credited to Netflix) Damn. That was a good movie. So g...