Doug K.

I spent years pushing myself to perform in the SOF community, but I didn’t discover my best performance until I started SOFLETE programming. Now, I’m all around better...

Nolan B.

I started doing SOFLETE programming probably 2015 - I started incorporating rest, recovery and a lot of different practices rather than just banging weights. I'm a lot more durable...

Mike C.

[SOFLETE] is simple and spelled out... it got the fire going. This is a 25-30 year career - you have to have longevity. You can't just look good with your shirt off, you need to be able to endure.

Knowledge Is Power

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Trade Wars Explained

Trade Wars Explained

Simply put, a trade war is a back and forth escalation between countries, imposing a series of tariffs on goods which drive the price of other countries’ imports up. 

What the Hell is Scientology?

What the Hell is Scientology?

We all know in addition to being a talented actor, a badass who does all of his own stunts, and a beloved action hero, Tom Cruise might be most well-known for being a devout Scientologist.  By man...

Enduring the Intensity of Life!

Enduring the Intensity of Life!

Endurance and Intensity aren't usually trained simultaneously. I have been spending a lot of time brainstorming how to better program them together as a whole to enhance performance and longevity ...